Thursday, June 5, 2008


Thursdays just keep getting better and better!

While I was turning the voicemail off at work today, grumpy as all hell cause it wasn't my job, but someone was running late, so it had to be; I discovered a brand spankin' new message that was left on there from this morning.

A woman had called regarding one of my talents and an award for 2 shows he narrated.
I call her back, not exactly clear on what it was, and leave her a message to call me back.

She does, and we talk.
Turns out this particular talent is up for consideration in the primary process for the Primetime Emmy Awards- not just for one, but two shows.
However, since the Emmy's only have one category for show narration, we had to pick one show. We went for the special on Charlie Wilson's War.

With that said, ballots go out tomorrow.
The Academy votes.
They pick five,
The final five are official Emmy nominees.
We find out on July 17th.
And the show is in September.

Please help me to visualize my talent walking away with an Emmy.
What an honor this is!

For everything that has been, thanks!
For everything that will be, YES!

Life is GRAND!
Super Panda

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